Saturday, August 28, 2010

Red Velvet cupcake

 Agaknya sekarang ni Red Velvet pya time kot. For berbuka puasa as dessert at auntie house, today. Kasi chance la dekat cik red velvet ni. Layankn aje....
30 cups, M size
Selamat berbuka puasa semua....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Red Velvet cupcake - ordered by Noni

This cupcakes are specially baked for Noni as a farewell gift to the Gamudian friends. 31 August will be her last day. Since many of us will be on leave on 30 Aug, the gifts have to be distribute by Thursday.
Alhamdulillah, the feedback is awesome. Thanks to Noni. Will be miz'g u...
40 cups of L size cupcake
...d individual packaging...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Red Velvet Cupcake

Assalamualaikum... Salam Ramadhan

Semalam sbb tak jadi gi Temerloh melawat my friend Nisa, makanya terbuat la Red Velvet Cupcake ni. Sgt best...Moist, Rich n Red. Hehehe... Mmg sgt sesuai dgn Cream Cheese topping.
Kek ni naik dgn cantik sekali. Sekata dan tak merekah. Puas ati sgt la. Cuma cream cheese je yg tak cukup utk lg 2 biji cupcake. Tp takpe, sbb enak dimakan begitu saja.

Buat 1/2 recipe je, medium size.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Oreo Cheese Cake for Mama Su's Birthday

Happy belated birthday for Mama Su. Oreo cheese cake for her. Simple je...
Love u mama su...