Tuesday, September 28, 2010

5 sets of cupcakes - ordered by Emily

We open back our oven with 5 sets of 4 large cupcakes as below:
1. Red velvet with cream cheese
2. Carrot walnut with cream cheese
3. Black forest with cream cheese
4. Black forest with chocolate garnache
5. Oreo cheese with oreo buttercream

Thanks to Emily and friends ^_^

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Carrot Cake with cream cheese topping

For sis utk bawak balik Kelantan. Baked on 1 Syawal. Balik je beraya sana sini terus ke dapur kul 11:30pm. Letih letih...tp xpe, puas ati. 
Topping buat d next day, pagi. Nasib flight dorg kul 1pm.

Cookies: Double chocolatechips & Pineapple Tarts

Salam Aidilfitri buat yang beragama islam. 
Kali ni nak share koleksi hari raya exclusive from DS Home Bakery.
Atas pemintaan regular customers DSHB, oven pun berasap jgk pada Ramadhan ke-15. Baru ingat nk bungkus oven. Hehehe...
Tahun ni buat 2 jenis cookies je, double chocolatechips & pineapple tats, best demand!!!
 Note: DS Home Bakery mohon maaf kepada tempahan yg terpaksa ditolak. InsyaAllah DS Home Bakery akan beroperasi seperti biasa mulai 24 September 2010, 15 Syawal1431.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vanilla cupcake with butter cream

Esok raya.... yeeeehhhh. Last one b4 raya.
2 sets of 25 cups of vanilla cupcakes with butter cream topping. 
1 set for umah mak, 1 set for umah mertua... Bukan i pya, order by Noni. I mak mertua belum ada lg :p
Thanks Noni, masih tak jemu dgn hasil dr dapur kecik i ni....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Aidilfitri Moist Chocolate Cake

1/2 kg moist choc cake. Order by sis's friend (sorry, xtau nama :P)
Sangat simple coz time is very limited. Dia kata tak kisah sbb nk jugak, bawak balik kampung. Hehehe... thanks for making my life ez.