Monday, June 20, 2011

Peach Cheese Cake - ordered by Fiza (Perak)

After she knows that I'll be attending our friend's wedding at Sungai Petani, she have posted this on my FB's wall:

Tak sampai hati kan... So i've baked this for her.

We meet up at hentian Simpang Pulai. Look at her happy face (8months pregnet).

Happy sgt dapat jumpa Fiza. Our 1st meet up, sejak dia preggy. Baru sy teringat, few days sblm Fiza cuit kawin, dia order Peach cheesecake ni jugak. Agaknya mama ngn baby mmg suke cheese cake yek ^.^

Thanks Fiza coz crazy about my cheese cake. Wish mama n baby sihat selalu n selamat bersalin. Syg Fiza...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Blueberry Cheese Tarts - with love ^.^

Baked with love. They LOVE it

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blueberry Cheese Tarts - Ordered by Najiah

Sapa rindu BCT? My 1st production of Blueberry cheese tarts from new house. Kesempatan ni, nk mintak maaf byk2 pada sesapa yg sy tak dapat penuhi order anda. baking mood hilang tah kemana. skrg dh jumpa balik dh. hihihi...

BCT ni ordered by Najiah, my friend (kwn since secondary school)

Agak berbulan2 gak tak jumpa. So we had dinner and chit chat + bergelak ketawa bagai. itu sudah mesti ^.*

Kusyuk mengorder..rambang mata tguk menu ;P

Our dinner... Yummmmyyyy....

Sebenarnya sy sdg lebihkan tumpuan pd biz baru. InsyaAllah sy cuba penuhi order anda jika berkemampuan dan berkesempatan.

Thanks for d support @ Dyaz Kayangan Home Bakery